Wednesday 14 March 2012

Survival guide to life without Father and Son

Mountain Man and Boy went to Singapore for 4 days to settle some "business" on the new apartment we bought. Hooray it's officially ours!

I thought MM was so brave to offer to bring MB on his own, he has never spent alone alone time with MB so intensely before. And I have never left MB for so long before, the longest was when i was in the hospital giving birth to Lilybuff and even then i saw him during the day.

He was a bit sick on the night before he took off. He decided to torture me by not eating his dinner prior to the long midnight flight, i was so worried that he may have caught a nasty bug from me. I even contemplated not letting him go, but i did. I cried a teeny weeny bit.

Thank goodness he went because after he left i felt so sick i was/am bedridden for 3 days now. And the Singapore air is clear so it's probably good for his recovery. He had so much fun, and he ate so much, i really feel so relieved. I on the other hand am sick like a dog, i haven't gone out or met anyone or did grooming of any sort, and i still freakin wake up at 745am every morning, that's if i even sleep at all! 

Anyway, my survival guide to living without them both is simple, the iPhone! We've been doing "Face-Time" whenever we can, i think MB finds it fun. And MM's brother sends me videos of MB and Cousin Tim eating and playing and eating some more so that's been keeping me going! THANKS! 

And also, thanks MM for the respite. You are doing a marvelous job at this. Maybe you can take him to Spain next! 

1 comment:

lefthandluke said...

nope. he's yours then, adios!