it's been 32 weeks. In less than 2 months i may have you in my arms and i can't wait.
It's been tough on Mommy the last 1 month. I can no longer walk that well partly cos u're getting heavy, and partly cos my fat thighs are rubbing against one another so i get skin burns. I feel so short of breath on most days, u must be sucking up all of my oxygen.
Dad and i went for an ultrasound last week. Somehow you've managed to wind the umbilical cord round yourself. The gynae advised that we should monitor fetal movements 3 times a day.
Life is so full of ironies son. Right now U are facing the problem of being strangled by your only lifeline. Alot of mothers tell me that they are kept awake by their baby's kicks. But i'm the opposite. I can't sleep if you don't kick, i just won't feel safe unless i know u're ALIVE and KICKING me hard all over the place.
I hope u'll wiggle urself out of this tough situation, cos in life that's wht u'll need to do alot!
Be good okay? We're almost there.
I was born with my cord round my neck too darling, take heart! X
jia you ella... you're getting there!!
just want to say, i m sure everything's going to be fine! :)
Everything will turn out fine. :)
1-2 rounds ard the neck are fine I heard!
T, be good and jiayou! :)
thanks all the aunties and jie jies for the consolation. T and i feel so loved. We'll persevere!!
Tell T to kick more and stay where he is now. 小乖乖要听话。
Hi T, can't wait to see you as an adorable red-faced, bawling baby! :)
keeping you and T in our thoughts and prayers! can't wait for T to start strumming a mini guitar!
He'll be ok! Kick and move, T!! Hugs
Serline> yup he is def having a party in my belly! regular hiccups too it seems.
Yann> sounds scary but fine as long as he is healthy!
imp> thanks. i been playing rock band guitar and drums. hope T will grow into music naturally, unlike his mom.
corsage> *T hugs bubbles* How cute is that thought!
Random blogger here, just stumbled onto this. Congrats, and good luck with little T.
oh dear! don't worry baby will be a fighter just like his dad hehe! but he is taking after his dad huh getting into situations at such young age hehe! btw, pls email me ur addy so we can send u the surprise soon. sorry we haven't gone to buy yet cos been so busy but we will soon n make sure it gets to u before T arrives :) fern
wolf> thanks!! come back!
Fern> Les is going back end of the month. maybe u can save on the postage...
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