Lesser mobility = less frequent trips to the kitchen = less food = less fat
Might as well...I've put on enough anyways. While i waddle, the other parts of me wobble. It's depressing.
My hip joints also seemed to have been dislocated somehow. Last night i couldn't even get up to pee! It hurts soooo baaad.
My fingers haven't felt normal in the last 1 month, i've got the carpel tunnel syndrome. I don't remember what it is exactly but i think it means tht I'm so fat tht my blood vessels get squeezed, so the circulation to extremities are disrupted making my fingers numb and painful. I know it doesn't sound possible tht one can be both numb AND painful, but u'll know it when u get the carpel tunnel syndrome.
The body temperature is also rising, the aircon just don't seem to be cold enough. I'm wiping off my perspiration all the time, even when the person next to me is freezing.
But even with all these complaints, i take heart in the fact tht i've a miracle growing inside of me. Soon i'll have T in my arms. To remind myself of the approaching day, i did what every mother would do to feel better. I shopped.
Since i've combed through all of the baby sites in China, i've decided to widen my horizons and shop from amazon. So i bought...
Bravado Nursing Bras- Boy are they sexy. easy access to the boobies. (Note the sarcastic tone) But seriously i heard these provide the best support.
Bumwear- this one size cute diaper cover thing.
Robot Wall Decals- so i can decorate T's room.
I also opened up all of T's things that i bought over the last few months, sorted (i think for the 5th time) which ones need to be washed so T can wear them as a newborn.
We can't wait... I'm totally freaked out but somehow it still feels nice.
Nothing like shopping to get our minds off the pregger state! And perhaps its nesting instinct re the sorting of baby clothes
I HEAR YOU! Take care as you walk around now. I get this strange nerve pain on my left butt most days - kind of weird. Also got Bumwear but am wondering now if I will actually bother with them as they need washing =P We'll see!
I've got the carpel tunnel syndrome too. My gynae told me to shake the hands when I get it. It works for me! Try it!
LMS> i think so. i'm not usually the sorting type.haha
corsage> if u go cloth u have to wash. but it's more "green".
yuling> shake for how long? doesn't work leh. mebbe stuck already.
I had the same problem like you when I was pregger but only got better after narelle was a few months old.
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