Mountain Boy turns 9 months tomorrow. How time flies.
Expressing his feelings...
Over the last month, Mountain boy has become more expressive with his wants and demands. Frankly I'm a little worried that he may be becoming too boisterous. When he doesn't get what he wants or if something doesn't go the way he desires, he will wail like the ambulance complete with tears and a flushed face, sometimes he even trembles (i must remember to take a picture when that happens). I'm quite worried to the point where i've been seeking advice from fellow parents and reading up on child discipline & communication books.
Mountain boy fake crying because he can't get the camera. It's so hard to take a decent picture of him nowadays.
Lucky thing he also expresses his love with the same intensity. He'll crawl over to me enthusiastically when he sees me in the morning, snuggle into my jelly belly and sometimes try to give me a big slobbery kiss. He'll follow me around the house like a little puppy when i'm busy so that he can "be with me".

Becoming more active...
I've been bringing him to babygroups and i've come to realise how active he is compared to the other babies. Some mothers actually asked if i get any respite at all at home. His actions are really faster than mine these days. Once i was chatting with a mommy in the group and he came back dangling a cleaning rag in his mouth. yucks!
The activeness also means that he injures himself quite often. Only 9 months old and i think he has had about 7 bruises on his face, all in the last 3 months.
I think i add too many crabs when i was pregnant because he touches everything he sees! Leaves, vegetables, clothes, he nearly pulled down a rack of cabbages at the supermarket once. He loves opening and emptying drawers and cupboards. Here he tries to steal some cheap tequila from Mountain Man's liquor cupboard. Mountain Boy, go for the single malts!
Flair for music
He takes after his dad. Other than "singing" while pooing, I often hear him "play the piano" for a long time in the morning. He bangs on every surface and experiments with the sounds they make. It's very cute watching him hang around Daddy like the biggest fan while Daddy plays the drums.

Actually, Mountain boy is so much like his father that it freaks me out sometimes.
- Likes to shake leg. He does it all the time during milk feeds and bedtime stories.
- Thinks farting is funny. Mountain boy laughed after he made a huge one yesterday. Sometimes he also laughs when Daddy makes a huge one. And i checked with friends and confirmed that their babies didn't find farting funny.
he's got a healthy curiosity of the world :)
Gingerblossom> uhm, i must say ur job has made a diplomat out of u!
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