Mountain Boy's babygroup reported a few positive cases of HFMD a couple of weeks back so all music and babygym classes have come to a stop until further notice. YIKES!
Not good news at all cos that means i'd have to find other ways to entertain my little energizer bunny. Here's what we've been up to lately.
Artist at work:
We've finally tried hand painting last week. Looks like a major project but believe me the painting lasted not more than 5 minutes before Mountain Boy got bored and started chewing on the paint tubes- which is non-toxic not to worry. The cleaning took another 30 minutes.

His entire leg was covered in paint. It reminded me of those heavily tattooed yakuzas.
2 Second tent:
A friend bought a 2 second-tent (takes 2 seconds to erect, but 2 hrs to fold back together) and a group of mommies and i decided to hold a ceremonial picnic just to break into the tent. I think Mountain Boy likes it. I am considering getting one for the camping trip that will never happen.
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