My little boy is one month away from the Big One. Seriously this month has been the most fun of all the months.

"Hello? Xiang kar pager?"
The biggest milestone of all is that he has started walking, quite steadily too!

Another big achievement for us this month is pooing and peeing in the potty. One thing i've learnt is that it's never too early to toilet train. Kids in China practically go diaperless since day 1. Getting Mountain Boy to sit on the potty was a challenge at first, but i bought him a book with pictures of older boys sitting on the potty and next thing i know he made his first potty poo the next day!

Daddy always says, "make the sound of your surname, NG....."
Developed a preference for certain foods. He used to eat whatever i feed him, but now he knows that he has the option of spitting it out if he doesn't like the texture. When he is full, he'll clap his hands because that usually signals the end of his meal. I've also started introducing him to more table food now.
It also seems that he has my kaypoh (busybody) genes. He always wants to see what we're cooking, what we're typing on the laptop, and he likes to open cupboards and rearrange things. And when he wakes up in the morning, he'll take us on a tour around the house, gesturing to the things he knows. The clock, the aircon, the robots in his room, the tv, the telephone. It's just amazing how much he absorbs these days.
I need to start child proofing.
Some of the other little stuff he does...
- Willing to hand me things if i say the magic PLEASE.
- Can point out his own hair, mommy's nose (but somehow not his own nose) and his ears.
- Finally drinks from a straw!
- Knows how to play the stacking rings, but gets very frustrated when he fails.
- Likes cars and wheels. It's a boy thing.
- Other than bababmamamdadadanana, he said his first word. it's DA! It means DOG.
- Trys to kiss but can't make the smoochy sound.
- Likes to shake his head when i say "nonono", or "yes yes yes".
Dylan is really fast! And I am just awed by potty training by 11 months!!! QQ just became potty trained recently at 2.5 yrs
He can walk really steadily, well done boy!
Some (my PD includded) said girls are faster than boys when come to learning to walk. But it doesn't seem so. Both my boy and your boy started to walk at 10+ months, while my girl, who is turning one in 1.5 weeks is still cruising.
Chee> he only poos in there and he doesn't go there voluntarily. i always manage to catch him seconds before he does it so i rush him to the potty.
Kam> yeah i guess every child is different.
Well done on the potty training! Im really tardy in this....sigh.
walking around steadily, potty trained at 11're stressing me out!
Whatever the case, well done Dylan!!
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