Over the weekend, we took Mountain Boy to the Blue Zoo. Being an avid scuba diver (or maybe i should use past tense because I can't even remember the last time i went scuba diving!) I had to give Mountain Boy a taste of the underwater world. I want him to appreciate God's marvelous creations in an up-close manner, and i wanted to make sure he knows what a fish is!

The mandatory tourist pose with scary shark shark.

Hey fishy fishy...

Father and Son in the crowded tunnel.
I think Mountain Boy was pretty confused when we pointed out the "wugui". The only "wugui" he knows of is fuzzy orange with colourful polka dots and vibrates to the tune of Baba Black Sheep when pressed.
Now that's a real shark shark.
After the visit, I really ached to plunge into the deep ocean so badly that i dreamt i went scuba diving that same night! And it's not the first time.
Really? Scuba diving that night?
YES. its not my first scuba diving dream. U think it means anything?
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