Wednesday 20 May 2009

Delayed gratification

Esther shared a really interesting experiment yesterday. It's called the Marshmallow Test. It's a test that u conduct on kids between the ages of 2 to 5 to see if they understand the concept of delayed gratification. Now, if he passes the test BEFORE the age of 2, he'd be a genius. Meaning that i shd spend my life savings to groom him to become the future PM, or the richest man in Singapore and China, some say Batam.

So after the conversation i started craving for marshmallows. I headed straight to the supermarket, got myself a packet and ripped it open to devour those tiny fluffy things before i even reached my desk.

Upon realising how pathetic i was, i started questioning myself, do i even understand the concept of delayed gratification. It bothered me.

And then i had an AHA! moment. I DO! I love online shopping! how is that not delayed gratification. The best part about online shopping is the waiting. I like wondering (or fantasizing) about the items- will it look like what i saw online? Is the colour displayed in the picture accurate? Will i fit into it? The anticipation releases endorphins over a longer period than traditional shopping, making the pleasure last longer. I even replay the ripping open of the packaging to the tune of "haaallelujaah...."

Best part about online shopping is, it's often cheaper and u're not geographically limited!!

So Mountain Man, i have a confession. I just bought about 10 outfits (not including bibs, mittons, hankies and tights)for T over the last 1 week. In my defence, i bought sizes from newborn to 1 year old, and for all occasions, day and night, in and out. Our son's gonna be born in A/W09 so he needs to layer! And do u know how often a child needs to change? Most of the colours are unisex so Number 2 and 3 can wear. Can you imagine the joy we gonna get from oohing and aaahing at how cute T is? *sheepish grin*

BEFORE u say anything, I've only just begun. Don't stop me! I'll post the stuff i bought once i receive them. Teehee!!


Unknown said...

hahah! totally agree with you on the bit about online shopping and the anticipations it brings...

And are you serious about No. 2 & N. 3? You're barely done with No. 1. Hahaha! Damn brave leh! You'll make a uber cool mum lah!

judebabe said...

I am just getting started...

...not only for the baby... but for myself too.


Twice the damage!

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Tell me about it - last week was a crazy one for me. Not just for online shopping but real life shopping! =P And am still tempted to join in some of the sprees you know where.

lovexiaolongbao said...

Addy> yah of course i want 2 and 3! eventually i'll get better. hehe.

Judebabe> wht have u been buying huh?

Corsage> i would join too if i was back home. haha!

yAnn said...

Ooh I hope you buy lots of onesies!
Err because i think they are the cutest little outfits on babies.

QooFamily Blog said...

Haha...mountain man is going to kill me....

Little Miss Snooze said...

The shopping never really stops...
I love receiving parcels...

lovexiaolongbao said...

yann> yes yes. i bought lots of rompers. teehee.

Qoo> pls report when the goods arrive asap. i can't wait!!

LMS> yeap. u're totally right! there's no stopping.

judebabe said...

Starting with the bigger items... strollers etc...
and working down to the smaller items to clothes and socks! hehe!

As for myself... still buying maternity wear! heee!

Jane said...

woah, this is an interesting test. i'm going to try it on my 2 year old kid. maybe i'll substitute it with jelly. but i'm quite convinced he'll gobble it down in 2 seconds, hahaa