Monday 6 September 2010

Enthusiastic little shopper

I bring mountain boy out shopping quite alot, he is always curious about everything. He wants to rummage through clothes, supplies, diapers, vegetables, fruits... tosses stuff out of shelves and racks like a chief inspector. i sometimes find him sitting by himself somewhere in between the aisles with bags of stuff he surrounding him. Funny at first but after a while he slows you down by quite a lot!

It gets very chaotic when i'm alone because i cant watch him, do my shopping and clean up after him all the time. In fact one time at the supermarket i got so tired of repacking his stuff that i decided to throw all of it into the shopping bag, as a result i came home with close to 10 rolls of trash bags!

Something funny happened today though. We were making a quick run to the nearby supermarket to get some veges and he insisted on unpacking the babyfood shelves. I thought oh dear here we go again. But surprisingly, after he unpacked he repacked! He was so busy rearranging the glass bottles, moving them from shelf to shelf. And then he proceeded to the candy bar section and did the same thing!

We then brought him to muji and i was so surprised he didn't rummage through the knee high displays, he merely touched them and walked off.

So grown up isn't he.


Gingerblossom said...

repacked?????Not something lil kids do..

lovexiaolongbao said...

haha, well he wasn't very neat la.