Friday 14 January 2011

16 months

Mountain Boy turned 16 months yesterday. The 15th month seemed to have whizzed by so quickly. He is now 10.4kg and 82cm. He had a bout of fever and diarrhea in between so he must have lost a few hundred grams there.

The biggest milestones this month would be the self-feeding. He uses a combination of the spoon, sometimes the fork, and he always finishes off with his fingers. I hardly have to feed him anymore. Maybe when i feel he hasn't eaten enough i'd distract him and stuff a few mouthfuls but that's it. Self-feeding is a very messy affair but laying newspapers below his high-chair during mealtimes help to reduce the amount of cleanup at the end. For a 16 month old he is doing pretty well in this department.

He also adds a couple of words to his speech vocab, such as "ayi", "pak pak" for carpark and sometimes "bye-bye". And he has learnt how to nod and shake head with the correct purpose.

The nanny has gone back for CNY so i'm left alone with him at the moment. It's been extremely trying and i've lost my temper quite a number of times. The messing up of the house i get, he's a kid and sometimes adults can't even be neat. He opens milk cartons and sprays them all over the house, rummages through the dustbin, dips his hands in toilet bowl etc...I can tolerate kids are curious. But what really makes my blood boil is when he yanks my hair real hard for sport. I yell and he cries. Even though i've read books and gone for courses, this discipline thing is really way over my head. I feel like i've lost faith in "the experts" who advocate bogus parenting methods that don't work. But of course when i feel that way it's usually my temper speaking. I know Mountain Boy is generally well-behaved and lovely.

Mountain Boy has mastered quite a number of expressions that always makes us laugh.





SURPRISED. He usually does this with the mouth open but i didn't get a good shot.


Here's a video of him doing some of the expressions before he took over the camera. Enjoy!

K i better go rest before the little dude wakes up from his nap and it all begins.


Lisa said...

from the blog you sound like you are an awesome mommy!! you're just tired and probably a tad too hard on yourself too. congrats on your boy self-eating that is a big feat. and omg your son makes the most awesome facial expressions!!

lovexiaolongbao said...

Hi Lisa,

thanks for visiting the blog. Motherhood is really hard! I try to be a good mom but i'm maybe not near awesome. Thanks though for the kind comments. I'm gonna stalk ur blog now seeya there. said...

Its very trying sometimes.

And I was quite shocked that I lost my temper at the poor girl in the middle of the night.
I barely slept and there she was crying and nothing can soothe her.

When I m home alone with her, I close the doors so that she would only play in the living area and not dipping her hands in the toilet bowl.

Hang on.

lovexiaolongbao said...

judebabe> losing temper is a daily thing for me now. Sadly. Sigh...