Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Sunday, 28 September 2008
my sister and her little one

Little Mischa has a smile that brings sunshine to my world. Maybe because it reminds me of my mini-sister. it brings back memories of our childhood. I was a "parrot" of my sis. I wanted to do everything she did. Wear the same clothes, say the same things, pose the same way in pictures. She hated it, but she loves me. If not for the fact that she pestered my mom for a sister, i wouldn't be on this earth. She used to pinch my cheeks everyday until they were so painful, and i wasn't allowed to retort cos she told me it was a sign of love.
My sister is so immaculately beautiful. I always tell people that i grew up thinking i was quite ugly. Of course i breathed a sigh of relief when the boys started calling...HENG AH...
Saturday, 27 September 2008
the story of my Burberrys bag
After he passed away 5 years ago, I don't have anything to remember him by, not even photographs cos they were all left behind when i moved to China. Except this old vintage Burberrys postman bag. So everytime i look at it, this small part of me feels connected to him again. As this is made of cloth, i only wear it on very rare occasions cos i am so afraid of dirtying it.
Man on the moon
We've been spending way too much hard earned money and time on the war, saving ailing banks...
The three Chinese astronauts aboard the Shenzhou VII spacecraft were in fine health on Friday, ready for the extra-vehicular activities (EVA) scheduled for Saturday, a spokesman for the space mission said.
Zhai Zhigang and Liu Boming started assembling the 120-kg EVA spacesuits since 10:20 am, Wang Zhaoyao, a spokesman for China's manned space program, told a press conference in Beijing on Friday. Xinhua reported that they finished the work in about 12 hours.
The two space suits were fixed to the module wall in parts when the spaceship was launched, to be assembled by the astronauts later.
Unpacking the suits comprises 21 steps and each step is divided into sub-steps and detailed moves.
Once the suits are assembled, the astronauts started testing and wearing them, in addition to a 100-minute rehearsal in the orbital module before the spacewalk.
It was the first time for the two to assemble the suits in zero-gravity as it is impossible to create a real zero-gravity condition on Earth.
One of the astronauts will walk out of the orbital module at 4:30 pm on Saturday, Wang said. "Since it is the first spacewalk for China ... there are many uncertainties. We will very likely adjust the time for EVA according to the astronauts' conditions," he said.
The astronauts will make a series of difficult moves in space, Wu Bin, the expert in charge of astronaut training with the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, told Xinhua.
Zhai, the No 1 astronaut, is most likely to walk into space. Assisted by Li, who will stay on in the orbital module during the process, Zhai will take a test sample of solid lubricant from the surface of the spacecraft, which was placed there before the launch.
The astronaut, tied to the spaceship with two safety wires, is scheduled to walk along the orbital module exterior.
"Actually, it is not like walking, but floating," Wu said.
A set of handrails on the spaceship surface will help the astronaut move, he said. He must make sure that both wires are tied to the handrails before taking any step forward.
During the mission, the astronauts will depressurize and re-pressurize the cabin, as well as exit and re-enter the orbital module.
To ensure the safety of the astronaut who will do the spacewalk, the space suit is equipped with three oxygen tanks. An 8-m-long electricity wire, linking the astronaut with the spaceship, will send his physiologic data back and act as a spare safety wire.
"The EVA is expected to last 20 minutes. If the time for opening and closing the module door is factored in, it will be 30 to 40 minutes," Wang said.
The historic moment will be broadcast live.
The spaceship will aslo release a 40-kg satellite which will circle the orbiter and send back images to mission command.
Earlier on Friday, Shenzhou VII shifted from an oval orbit to a more stable circular orbit 343 km above Earth.
The spaceship atop a Long March II-F rocket lifted off at 9:10 pm on Thursday from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu province, in China's third manned space mission.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
good kitchen night
Cooking is great to destress. I don't enjoy the cutting, or washing, or cleaning... But i like stir-frying, it's like playing masak masak but real. The best part is really WHEN or IF the food turns out edible, or maybe even delicious.
I try to tell myself that homecooked food is NOT like restaurant food, cannot expect the same texture, tenderness, taste. It's just simpler, healthier (MSG free) and the overall experience of sharing a homecooked meal. Sitting down at the dining table, seeing Mountain man wipe everything out keeps me going, he keeps me motivated to cook another meal. And thankfully cooking gets better with practice, albeit the occassional "accidents" i won't rule out yet.
Last night, i cooked a very local chinese dish. I had never eaten it until i came to China. I just got the recipe from a colleague.
This is Tomato with fried egg. The ingredients are simple, but the process is a little complicated. As u can see, it's a little wet and the tomatoes have to be skinned first. Eggs and tomatoes have to be cooked separately before mixing them together.
Stir-fry beef with mushrooms. Yummy... Got this recipe from another blogger. Thumbs up!
getting colder
Monday, 22 September 2008
Living for the Beijing Weekend
One of the exhibits was this giant tube made up of newspaper, with tv screens stuck inside. Nevermind what the interpretation of that is, but the thing ends with a slide, so we went on it! This is mountain man going weee...
Me held at gunpoint.
At the bookstore. I like this picture.
I exhibit my new sunny yellow maxi-dress.
Going backwards, before 798 we were at The Bookworm Club. It's a very cool bookshop/restaurant concept.
No photos were allowed but i stole a few shots anyway. There were shelves and shelves of these books- old stuff, new stuff, Music, Theatre, Film, Photography... It's a perfect place to hang if u wanna get lost in ur own world cos it's very quiet. Don't expect great food though.
AND, we also met-up with Karma C and Hubby! Like Internet Dating, but less weird, and it was fun! Let's totally hang again. Yay!
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Les miserables
Day 8 in SH and the crap continues. alone, stressed, and now i'm super sick. I've been popping OTC drugs, I'm putting my life in the hands of this very heavily made-up pharmacist, hoping she doesn't kill me with her recommendations. So far so good.
The hotel bed is giving me severe body aches and restless sleeps. I just need to be home.
Monday, 15 September 2008
14 Sep 2008
So i made my way to the Fabric Market (399 Lujiabang Rd, Shanghai Mian Liao Shi Chang) feeling all inspired to make new clothes! I love the fabric market. But I never dare to ask the tailors to make me anything from scratch cos it can go really bad, so i always bring along samples of items i like and just duplicate them like crazy. It's China afterall, no originality, but very good at copying!
IMP> if u're reading, i took this picture for u. Familiar?
After that i went to H&M along Huai Hai Rd to do more damage. I was there for close to 4 hrs! Super crowded...
Sunday, 14 September 2008
The best advice given by the best man was.... Remember not to go to bed in anger. Just stay up all night to quarrel!! (i'm seriously kidding).
Why so dreary?
Friday, 12 September 2008
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Johnny and I
ah what the heck...
I've been asked tougher questions during my Hen's Night.
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
some cerebral show that I won’t watch.
2. 2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
vinaigrette, the healthier the better.
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
Animal fat.
4. You go out to the bar. What does he order?
Guinness draft if there is, if not then some dark bitter beer. Single Malt whisky if he's in the mood, red wine when he's at a restaurant.
5. Where did he go to high school?
6. What size shoe does he wear?
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
CDs, vinyl.
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
The ones I make for breakfast.
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
POPIAH skin.
10. What is his favourite cereal?
Not really a cereal fan. But he prefers the natural stuff, not processed like fruit loops or Capn Crunch.
11. What would he never wear?
And he will never wear a polo shirt and flip-up the collar.
12. What is his favourite sports team?
Uh… he doesn’t watch that much sports. LUCKY ME.
13. Who will he vote for?
The underdog.
14. Who is his best friend?
Pat, Dom, Heuj, Chin Hwee, Phil.
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
buy too many handbags and spend too much.
16. How many cities/countries has he lived in?
Singapore, Australia, US, China (SH and BJ)
17. What is his heritage?
Kar chng ang ang…
18. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
19. Did he play sports in high school?
Soccer, and TKD.
20. What could he spend hours doing?
WORK- aligning ppt presentation slides- Making sure every sentence has a full-stop, all fonts are consistent, no spelling and grammatical errors, every graph is neat, colours are matching.... He is also the ONLY person I know who sends out an excel sheet without gridlines cos he thinks its not professional.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Ask and you will receive... sometimes.
In 1.5 years of working for the company, i never knew that i could ask for a peer review. I jokingly told my boss that i wanted one from this person whom i think is not very fond of me. Of course the operative word being "jokingly". He replied "Sure, u can ask for one." in a very serious tone.
Anyway, i think i'm already my harshest critic, i don't think i can handle getting a bad one from someone else... It's a very typical characteristic of a virgo, I and ONLY I can criticise myself. Obviously such peer reviews are a bit political right. I would pick the people whom i think i work best with and like me the most. Why would i pick some person who'd give me a lousy score.
This brings me back to a recent conversation i had with a friend. We were talking about the life of a salaryman. Sometimes we feel afraid to ask for what we deserve cos we fear to appear greedy or discontent. But he reminded me that "if you don't ask, you don't get". Alot of us don't have a clue about the P&L of the company, they make craploads of moolah and it all ends up in the deep pockets of the people who are C/D/M level, occassionally also to the people who actually ASK. Asking for a raise is really the fundamental survival skill of a salaryman. Why didn't i learn this lesson sooner. need to start pulling up me socks.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Happy Birthday to me (Part 3)
Happy Birthday to me! (part 2)
Happy Birthday to me!
Anyway shannon wrote me a card. So sweet...
Can u see the trophy she drew for me? i am the best ako in the "hole" world...
She's really grown up a lot. Last May, after my wedding she wrote me a card and i posted it here.
A few months later, i can see a distinct improvement in her handwriting- strongly coherent and more focused. I really miss her.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Early Celebration
We were alone on the 2nd floor of the restaurant. i think it was planned.
Mountain man ordered Atlantic Cod, and i ordered the Marine Scallops. The taste was somehow a wrong. The cod was too sweet, and my scallops didn't blend with the bean sauce it came with. A little disappointing, but the desert was goooood... Very thick and rich chocolate mousse on a heavy sponge, topped with some caramelly choclatey thingem. (i am NOT a good food reviewer)
Our friend Zaheer- cool n laid back kinda guy.
This isn't too bad also.