Cooking is great to destress. I don't enjoy the cutting, or washing, or cleaning... But i like stir-frying, it's like playing masak masak but real. The best part is really WHEN or IF the food turns out edible, or maybe even delicious.
I try to tell myself that homecooked food is NOT like restaurant food, cannot expect the same texture, tenderness, taste. It's just simpler, healthier (MSG free) and the overall experience of sharing a homecooked meal. Sitting down at the dining table, seeing Mountain man wipe everything out keeps me going, he keeps me motivated to cook another meal. And thankfully cooking gets better with practice, albeit the occassional "accidents" i won't rule out yet.
Last night, i cooked a very local chinese dish. I had never eaten it until i came to China. I just got the recipe from a colleague.
This is Tomato with fried egg. The ingredients are simple, but the process is a little complicated. As u can see, it's a little wet and the tomatoes have to be skinned first. Eggs and tomatoes have to be cooked separately before mixing them together.
Stir-fry beef with mushrooms. Yummy... Got this recipe from another blogger. Thumbs up!
Most of the time... cooking and doing housework can be quite therapeutic for me. Heehee... :p
saf> hello! housework not therapeutic leh....
Therapeutic wat... just clean. Cover area by area, square by square. No need brain. :p
ok la its therapeutic if i do it willingly. If i have to do it daily then it loses the "fun" lor.
well done you! i can't cook for NUTS. i can do salads! but that's not cooking. heh.
Imp> there's an art to salads i'm sure.
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