Recently, i've been travelling quite a lot- And when i don't sleep on my own bed often enough i feel kinda out of sorts. The area between my 2 shoulder blades feel knotted and sore, and i had been suffering from a migraine for days. It got to a point where no amount of messages or painkillers could do it. I was complaining to Les and he consulted the IT guy from our company who then recommended ACUPUNCTURE. I was desperate to relieve the pain, i was willing to try anything.
This is where i went. TCM Hospital of Beijing University. Like NUS!
Menu of services available. i wonder want qigong does.
These babies were used to acupuncture me.
Honestly, the first experience was pretty solid. The needle went in like ant bites, relatively painless. And then after that, u can feel this web of tingling and hot sensation across the needles... like currents moving. After 20 minutes, there was distinct sense of relieve.
Acupunture actually restores the Qi (energy) in ur body. One tends to loose this Qi while staring at computer or TV, or eating unhealthily, sleeping late... It basically revives ur body. It's like doing a massage, but it stimulates ur pressure points much deeper by sticking needles into it.
After the relieve- i started being curious about what acupuncture can cure...
I asked the daifu a bunch of questions today...
Me: Usually what does this cure best?
Daifu: Mostly joint and muscle problems.
Me: I heard acupuncture can loose weight. Issit true?
Daifu: Yes yes... i can do. but the person has to be very fat to see much improvement. U mean want to do?
Me: *excited* can i?
Daifu: NO U no need.
Me: Okay maybe after i give birth and grow fat, i'll come here for slimming.
Daifu: hmmm...
Me: Can it cure snoring? (i didn't know what snoring was in mandarin so i had to make the snoring sound)
daifu : Er... Not very effective.
Me: Hhmmm *disappointed*
So funny!!!
I am guessing it's Lester who snores...
Back on the earlier comment on SATC, why?? Big is so charming....and he does love Carrie....I want a BIG in my life too...:)
i had this kink in my neck for the longest time. ultra painful. so much so it travels down my wrist to scare me to think it's carpal tunnel syndrome.
i visited the chiropractor on a weekly basis. massages didn't soothe a thing. i REFUSED to try accupuncture because i'm a chicken.
then i swam. regularly. long strokes to fill 45min each session, 4 times a week. and dilligently did pilates daily.
as i keep up the exercise regime, the kink is gone, save for the occasional aches. :)
go swim?
jen> alot of people love carrie, not just Big. How can anyone ever accept a man who walked out on a woman not once, but many times. i don't understand.
Imp> actually someone told me to swim too! maybe i should. But i hate swimming cos it makes my hair and my skin very dry. and there's NO WAY i can swim 4 times a week. maybe once a week. for a start. hah...
You can buy the osim pillow for Lester. =p
And I guess i really wun dare to try accupuncture... not that i'm afraid of needles. But people re-use these needles don't they? :S
HHmmm.... maybe I should try TCM. Afterall I am in China! My neck, shoulders and back are always sore .... and I need to lose weight!!!
saf> Osim pillow to cure snoring? got such thing? i go and search. U shd try acupunture la, i promise u it's not very painful.
Karma c> yah! i will recommend my daifu to u. and give u address if u want. interested?
Karma c> btw i don't think u're fat.
New stuff i think...
You can go to:
Errrr....I am not the same size as I was at my wedding 2 yrs ago .... yes pls send me address and your daifu's name! I need a quick fix solution for my sore back (and excess pounds before I head back for short trip during the Oct week hahaha!)
stel -> that's love.
jen> *faint*
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