Wednesday 25 July 2007

Harry Potter ; The end...

Warning: If u're a Harry Potter fan and u haven't finished the book. Don't read this entry cos its a spoiler. But if u've read it, let's discuss it!

Bitter sweet farewell to what i deem the greatest children/adult fiction... greater than LOTR, greater than anything anyone has ever wrote.

I've waited for 2 years for the 7th book to launch, and i give it 10/10 satisfaction. It ended perfectly.

Death count for the book was depressing... First it was Dobby. Tears came to my eyes when the little elf gave his life to save Harry and his friends. His death was the most heart wrenching. Then it was Fred, George will never be the same again without his partner in crime. I would have loved for JK rowling to write a short epilogue on how George moved on, but i'll never find out. Tonk's and Lupin's deaths were cushioned cos my silly cousin gave me a spoiler... I was happy that JK Rowling didn't over dramatise their deaths, if not i wouldn't have been able to get over it. (I'm still recovering from the death of Sirius Black).

Dumbledore's story was very touching. Before his death, he was this infallible wizard who could always tell right from wrong, good from evil. But Deathly Hallows showed us Dumbledore's weakness for power and immortality that made him even more endearing and real.

Snape i knew from the beginning had repented and never truly served the Dark Lord afterthat. I was happy to be proven right. He was one character tht i was always interested in, he had so many complex layers yet his complexity was the most accessible. He had the difficult task amongst all, playing both sides and be convincing at it. He is the true hero.

Amongst Harry's friends, my favourite are Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. They never had a reason to be so loyal to Harry cos they were not such close friends of his. Very odd duo but they knew they lived and believed in something.

I know i'm just rambling but i'm still a little shaken by the fact tht i have no more harry potters to look forward to from now on.

Anyway, some quick QnAs....

1) How come voldermot cannot kill harry but harry can kill voldermot?
2) Elderwand business, how come it belongs to Draco Malfoy? He didn't kill dumbledore, snape did.
3) Whats tht wriggling baby at king's cross?

Can't think of anymore questions now. need to pack for Japan tomorrow.

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