Monday 5 November 2007

Chinese and their names

We have nothing personal against the individuals mentioned in our blog... If you happen to share the same name as these people, please also don't be offended. If not, better just DON'T Proceed to read...

Chinese are not usually born with an english name, so very often they choose it at the age of about 13 to 15, and usually the names mean something significant to them. At that point in time at least...

I recall this conversation with one colleague...

Colleague: Hey Lester, u used to be from zenith right?
Lester: Yes yes, u too?
Colleague: yes yes... but last time i was Nancy so u may not know me.

This happens very often in china, people change their names when they change a new company.

Another email i received sometime ago...

Subject: New IT Manager Jade Hong

Hi all, pls join me in welcoming a new addition to the IT department.
Jade comes with many years of experience, he will be in charge of....

Jade left the company in 1 week. Maybe he is now Ruby...

That's problem number 2, very unisex names. I also know a male Kristy.

So here are some of our favourites.... We try not to put anyone we know well enough to come and kill us...

Nana (as in comic Book Nana, works in starbucks)
Coky (pronounced as cookie, this guy who works at Starbucks downstairs)
Zambo (??? One of the colleagues in BJ)
Morreau (Very big name but then cannot speak a word of english)
Zena (No idea male or female)
Rogel (At least its not Loger)
Abbott (As in Abbot a new handbag last weekend...)

Anyway, here's a BEEEG Happy Birthday to Jennifer. Bet u thought i forgot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didnt think u forgot...i just didnt think u would remember, err..actually same thing...hehe...

Thanks. *Hugs*

U forgot Money Cash....back in MEC days? hehhe...