Thursday 29 May 2008

last toe

I went for a pedicure last night. It's not the best angle for my feet i realise.
Anyway, I found out that there is a distinct difference between China Chinese women, and Singaporean women. Chinese women have almost no last toenail. According to the manicurists, most Singaporean women have beautiful last toenails that can be easily painted on. Chinese women on the other hand usually just requires a "dot", or a "stroke".

You must be thinking "Wow such useless information... "
So to add abit more value to this post, i did a surf on the www for information on toes.
  1. Our biggest toe has a scientific name called the hallux. Commonly known as thumb toe also.
  2. Morton's Toe is a common term referring to your 2nd toe (next to hallux) extending beyond the hallux. It's apparently a birth disorder. WOAH LAU, my 2nd toe is really quite long, especially the left one.

Okay actually there are alot of information but mostly related to toe deforminites and fungal infections and ingrown nails... Too disgusting. I took one look and closed the windows. gross.

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