Thursday 13 November 2008

Lovely trees...

the trees are the most charming this season... The leaves will turn yellow, and with a gust of wind they'll dance gracefully till they land on the ground. Beautiful...
On a separate note. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAF!!! i think i'm a day early but early better than late right?


karma chameleon said...

yeah i find myself fascinated by the trees and their falling leaves these days. I'll just stare at them in the cab while on the way to work, stare at them when I'm having my morning coffee at starbucks. there's something real pretty about the way the leaves just float down down down....

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!! What a delight it is to see a birthday wish for ME!

You are 1 day early but yeah! Better early than late... heck!!! In fact, better to have den to have not!!!

Thank you very much!!

p/s: by the way, technically u are not early cos i saw it just TODAY (which is actually the right day!)

lovexiaolongbao said...

karma> I actually love winter.. feels like a tim burton movie cos of the bare trees...

saf> Have a great one!! How are u spending it?? i wanted to wish on ur blog but always cannot. something wrong with my server.

Anonymous said...

I love winter cos there's just that bit of romantism attached to it. :P So when i go travelling.. i tend to choose to go either during winter or early spring.

Anyway, I intend to celebrate next yr when i am 21! *roll eyes* This year am just keeping it simple. (this yr parents celebrating 30 yrs of marriage without killing each other and it's on the 18th.. so it's THEIR yr. Not ours. HAHA!)

Sidenote: maybe i really should shift my blog somewhere else!!!

lovexiaolongbao said...

saf> yeah i agree. it's gorgeous in winter...

And woah, ur parents waited 9 years to have u ah. Tsk tsk tsk...congrats to them. 30 years is really sumthing.

And change to blogspot if u want! it's quite easy to use. Actually i can't check spaces cos the company got this stupid policy la, block msn all.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to change but i cannot bear to give up my current space!!! And i cant seem to be able to import to blogspot. So there... the only reason that i'm being held back!

And psst: am so not 21!!!! LOL...