Monday 21 March 2011

Bloody diarrhea

Mountain boy has been suffering from diarrhea, mild fever and runny nose the last few days. Brought him to pd this morning and he was diagnosed with 'dysentery diarrhea'. I swear I felt stupid in her consultation room cos she was shocked that I'd never heard of the term before. But instead of explaining the term to me she asked me too google it. Uhm then I pay her for what har?

Anyway I did google it and turns out its commonly known as bloody diarrhea (still not common enough for me cos I also never heard of bloody diarrhea)caused by bacteria infection. Sounds scary but it jus means tt there are traces of wbc and rbc. Can be serious depending on the count.

in mountain boys case its pretty serious cos the stool analysis report stated wbctmtc ie white blood count too many to count. Poor thing. Must be his acute teething causing him to put every damn thing in his mouth which led to the ingestion of bacteria.

Anyway, doc then prescribed an oral rehydration drink which tastes like salt water mixed with orange cordial (in case u think it sounds delicious it's not) and tablet antibiotics. The hard part is to feed the crushed tablet. He keeps spitting some out.. Any ideas on how to feed crushed tablet is much appreciated.

I have now replaced the salty orange with glucosin- tt blue can drink from singapore that is sooo yummy. Thankfully he loves it so at least he is not dehydrated.

Ps: I am typing this via my blackberry so some of the phrases are slightly incoherent and china blocked all the vpns so I cant blog.


Chee said...

Oh poor Dylan and what a snotty doc! DD also got such bad bouts of diarrhea that he had blood in his stool. The pd in Singapore suggested no meat, no oil, no milk till he gets better. Basically he was on rice porridge and cereal (no milk) for two weeks, minimize protein and oil as the tummy is weakened. As for tablets, surprised doc didn't give you the suspension antibiotics, much easier to administer.

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Oh dear poor poor Dylan! Yes I agree with the above poster - the PD here also suggested no milk for such diarrhea cases. Bubbles went off milk for almost 2 weeks as well during her recent hospitalisation episode. Can give Isomil if he is willing to take it. As for medicine can it be mixed with water? If so you can put it in one of those medicine syringes to force it down. Or sprinkle onto something he will eat and feed him. Hope he gets better soon! You take care too.

The Kam family said...

I have never heard of this medical term either.

Crushed the tablets finely and dissolve in water/milk.

Hope Dylan gets well soon!

Anonymous said...

Poor boy. Switch to soy milk, try hiding the crushed tablets in applesauce. Can also try giving him boiled rice water if he is willing to take.

Gingerblossom said...

poor dylan!! hope he gets well soon. Boiled rice water is easy to digest and gives good nutrition when you have diarrhea - well least that's what Dan's mum who's a nurse prescribed last time I had diarrhea. Pretty sure it works for kids too!

yAnn said...

Aww hope he gets well soon, poor dear.

Jesslyn said...

Hope Dylan is feeling better :)

lovexiaolongbao said...

Thank you all for your comments and concern. He has recovered from the diarrhea, still nursing the cough and cold.

through sheer force and cruelty we managed to feed the tablet.