Friday 4 March 2011

Xiaoxiong number 2

Mountain Boy has this comfort bear from kingkow gifted to him by a family friend. It's actually part of a gift set which also includes some onesies, mittons and bib etc. We've been quite paranoid about losing the bear whenever we travel. When we went back to Singapore over CNY i was delighted to find the same box set! But i struggled (only for about a minute) with the decision to buy it because it costs S$59! Luckily a friend was going to give birth so that gave me justification to buy, at least the onesies won't go to waste!

Surprisingly, Mountain Boy doesn't mind the newness of 2. Maybe he might have thought that 1 went through a facelift to look a whiter and cleaner. He still hugs 2 like the bear he loves most in this world. Then incidentally the other day he saw 1 tucked away in the cupboard and started squealing for it, i had no choice but reveal to him that there are indeed two bears. Again to my surprise, he hugged both like he loves them equally, for a few days he slept with both bears and i would find him waking with both bears still in his arms. So sweet.

Anyway, i decided to hide 2 from his sight for now because i cannot afford to get two replacement bears if they both get lost!!


Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Having 2 bears lets you wash one while he's using the other too!

chee said...

DD also got the same bear (diff color) from kingkow as a first month gift but qq has claimed it as hers. it is also her favourite bear. in fact, according to her, he is the main reason why we have to come back to BJ! Cos her "blue blue bear" is waiting for her in BJ.

lovexiaolongbao said...

Corsage> totally!

chee> there's something about this bear then....

judebabe said...

I am still trying and hoping that Amanda have some sort of comfort object at bedtime other than my hand.
She seems ok with them in the day but throws them away at bedtime.
She only wants my hand at bedtime! :(