Friday 25 March 2011

Piano Lesson 4

To date the most complicated song i've learnt is Jingle Bells. I was told last week to bring the sheet music for something that i'd like to learn. So Mountain Man and I spent days brainstorming the first song we should jam together. Turns out there are 3 main piano bands out there. Coldplay, Keane and The Frays. I downloaded some samples and i think coldplay is a little more familiar.

But for today's lesson i forgot to print out the sheet music! My piano teacher is Chinese so she doesn't know Coldplay. I ended up learning 至少还有你 by Sandy Lam, the ONLY chinese song i can think off the top of my head. elgh... Why didn't i say Jay Chou or Stephanie Sun (not that i know that many songs from them too).

I'm eternally envious of people who can play by ear. It's an ultimate goal i'd like to achieve... I had this classmate in secondary school who could play absolutely anything we asked, her fingers float like feathers over the keys and i used to just stare in awe.

PS: If you know any good sheet music download sites or if you have any good sheet music, please email me!

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