Monday 13 August 2007

Carrie, Samantha, Miranda or Charlotte...

I know i'm about 8 years late, but i finally started watching Sex and the City religiously recently. Only cos A. I'm so bored i need good bedtime drama and i left my entire FRIENDS boxset in Singapore, B. I inherited a box set from my cousin Kim, but its season 6. So yes, i'm stuck in reverse.

I always caught Sex and the City sporadically in the past. It never showed in singapore n i never downloaded it. Only cos the few episodes i caught never really grabbed me. Its not extremely funny like Friends, its not well written as Desperate Housewives, there's no mystery and thrill like 24 or Prison Break or heroes, there's no drama like Grey's Anatomy.... Just alot of really really really nice dresses and shoes, usually mis-matched. I mean do New Yorkers really wear evening gowns to a date?

Anyway i thought what the heck i still did the character quiz...

Which Sex and the City Character Are You?

You are Carrie. You know what you want out of a relationship and you're not afraid to keep moving until you get it. Wit and charm are your biggest turn-ons, and you like guys who appreciate you for your mind as much as your body. You have fun playing the dating game, but secretly you just can't wait to find the guy who sweeps you off your feet and carries you into the sunset.
Find Your Character @

The outcome is not a surprise... 63% of all women are Carries...23% are Samanthas, 10% Charlottes and 3% Mirandas (duh, if u're a Miranda u won't be doing this quiz OR reading this blog).

I'm a carrie, but i secretly wanna be Samantha, not cos i envy her promiscuous lifestyle, but cos i admire her confidence, security, and she knows the exact reasons behind everything she does, whether its right or wrong in the eyes of the public.


Anyway, i did a very Carrie thing over the weekend. I went shopping (no this is not the carrie part), it started pouring and i was most worried about my new bag tht Les bought me. I started fussing over the leather and making sure tht the rain didn't leave any blotches (thankfully it didn't).

But braving the rain was worth it cos i coveted 2 gorgeous pairs of shoes. I have no more storage space for shoes at home...

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