Thursday 10 September 2009

0909 celebrations

Despite this being one of the most exciting times if my life, i don't know why i've lost the urge to blog. Maybe it's just boring to keep repeating the fact that i have not popped.

Mom's here to celebrate my birthday. 090909, what a great number but no... T decides the date is not good enough for him!

Anyway, Mountain man brought us to Made in China for a peking duck lunch.

I love love love peking duck, and this one was just fabulous. Maybe better than Dadong Roast Duck. It's really hard to get reservations.

The duck is cut up into 3 different plates- Lean meat, Crispy Skin, and Meat+skin+slight fat combi. Crispy skin is just heavenly, light, not dry, and melts in the mouth. Sorry gotta tilt ur head for this pic. Blogger is misbehaving, not me.

Here's my roll- garlic, sugar, cucumber, spring onions, peking duck sauce, a slice of lean meat and a slice of cripy skin. uhm uhHmmm.....

4.5 out of 5 stars!


Yuling said...

I was totally in love with the Peking duck when I was in Beijing a couple of years ago! I can't remember where my distant relatives brought us to, but it was GOOD!

Yuling said...

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, babe! Hee, I think you and T can celebrate your birthdays together in future!

Little Miss Snooze said...

Blessed Birthday!