Sunday 27 September 2009

Why am i so free?

You must be thinking, this new mommy is either A. Addicted to blogging or B. Has exceptional time management skills...

Let me reveal the mystery..

Me: can i learn how to bottle feed the baby?
Confinement Nanny (CN): No. Too young. u might get air into his tummy.

Me: Can i bathe the baby?
CN: No. U can't touch water. And i don't think u can handle it.

Me: Can i put him to sleep?
CN: No. U'll get tired.

Me: Can i change his diapers?
CN: No. tht's my dirty job! Besides he's too small.

Me: Can i shower?
CN: No. Not till after 40 days..(one of the few CN laws i broke)

Me: Can i step out just for a bit?
CN: No. u'll get wind in ur body.

Me: Can i watch TV?
CN: No. your eyes will hurt.

Me: Can i do stuff on my laptop?
CN: No. it's bad for ur back. (She doesn't know that my handphone is a mini computer)

Me: Can i brush my teeth?
CN: No, ur tooth will ache... (wait a minute, will it ache from brushing or from not brushing...)

Me: Can i cook dinner?
CN: No. (no reason given, maybe she just doesn't trust my cooking).

So in a nutshell. i am supposed to lie in bed ALL DAY.... My motherly duties consist of feeding on demand, and pumping milk every 3 hrs.


h o b o m o b o said...

What??? No TV???

Does it mean no aircon/fan for you at home also?

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Whoa!! She's really taking care of you! I feel so over-protective of my baby that I only let Roboman bathe her. And even then I watch like a hawk and am ready to help pass the towels etc. Have changed countless diapers too (used to the smell now) heh.. But you know it is good you are getting all this rest! You'll recuperate in no time :)

Little Miss Snooze said...

Enjoy this time when CL is around to do all these...but learn from her before she goes yah.

When I first bathed Nat 2 days b4 my CL left, I bet my CL was thinking Im too slowpoke in bathing him!

lovexiaolongbao said...

hobomobo> yah no aircon also. But i dun care la, secretly turn on at night. but BJ is about 15 degrees minimum now so no aircon is ok. TV i still watch but very little.

Corsage> My CL actually washes the bum with water, not just wet wipes. i can't "wash my hands" so tht's why i'm not allowed to change diapers. But mountain man has tried a couple of times so he can do the diaper changing next time! haha.

LMS> yeah we watch how she does things. but i think the confidence to handle only comes after real practice. We can only start after the first month is over. We'll both go through training bootcamp!

serline said...

好命哟!For me, I can't even stay still in bed. I have to move around all the time to look for something to do.

Anonymous said...

wahaha! stel ur CN sounds like a dream come true heheh! well better get all the rest u can now lah :) btw really loves dylan's hairstyle. pat ask is it u guys style it like that? fern

lovexiaolongbao said...

serline> i also cannot. tts why i spend so much time online... there's nothing else to do!

fern> We combed the mohawk once only, before the passport photo. but his hair is naturally mohawkish for some reason. Last night we did a side parting and this morning mohawk again.

Daphne said...

Can I just be slightly envious of you?

A: Yes, I can.

LOL, i did enjoy the first month, post partum blues and all. You should get all the rest you can though - let the games begin!

judebabe said...

Let us both enjoy and rest while we can. :)

As for the TV. I was pretty obedient for the first 15 days or so.

lovexiaolongbao said...

Daphne> i dunno wht's there to be envious of! I'm bored shitless!

Judebabe> i dread and yet look forward to the day i have to take over from the CL.

Angie said...

Ah kim n cici wans to see new photos!!

Anonymous said...

Hey chance upon your blog while i was surfing for baby stuff and now i read it every once in awhile......i actually enjoy it hahaa ;)

Your precious looks really cute and resemble more of your hubby.

I'm now 24 weeks and won't be due until Jan 2010, meanwhile, surfing and reading stuff on babies and just enjoy the preggy experience ;D

Cheers & boomzzz....hahaaa
u take care ;)

lovexiaolongbao said...

thanks for dropping by Crystal!

Unknown said...

your CL is very protective .. but good.. it means she's doing her job. as long as not the forceful and get angry type.. hehehe..

lovexiaolongbao said...

jie> no she's def not the angry type.