Tuesday 22 September 2009

Got Milk!

It's my 11th day in confinement. The boobies are sooo sore it feels raw, like they are badly sunburnt. But on the brighter side, the pumping and latching has pretty much reduced my belly to a non-pregnant looking state (although i still have loose skin and purplish stretch marks). I haven't lost any weight since the hospital cos i've been trying to keep my calorie intake high enough to produce milk. I'm proud to say that i've stored enough back-up milk for at least 2 more feeds, and 4 more 100mls in the freezer, just in case.
It's been a real joy being a new mama. Praise God for giving me such a lovable boy.


h o b o m o b o said...

Keep talking about T! Somehow you kept us so engaged over the whole pregnancy that it's a joy now reading about T and your entry into motherhood.

Hugs to little T for me!

Little Miss Snooze said...

Well done and good job mummy!

I did the "pump-today-for-tmr" thingy and ended up no back-up at all.

Pebbles said...

Wow! You look great!

lovexiaolongbao said...

hobomobo> thanks! i will hug little T for u.

LMS> i am doing the pump now for later feed thing. heh... quite shiok to accumulate milk.

pebbles> thanks! shy la....

yAnn said...

I like his expression. "Why has the milk flow stopped, mom?" So cute lah hee hee.

judebabe said...

I m inspired to pump more.

do u still feed direct?

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

that's a lot of milk you've got! Well done you :) Am glad God answered your prayers! Do you do the feeding of EBM then? I'm still trying to build up my milk supply :(

lovexiaolongbao said...

Yann> now tht u mention. hehe... Actually in this picture, he looks like me when i was a baby.

judebabe> I'm still latching. My routine is... He cries, i let him latch while CL heats up milk (takes about 15 mins), once milk is heated up he drinks from bottle. i pump out the rest for the following feeds. he doesn't drink fast enough from direct latch for me.

Corsage> YESS! praise god. I feel so blessed and happy. wht's EBM? sounds like Electronic Breast Milk but tht won't make sense. OH!!! EXPRESSED breast milk. I don't, my confinement nanny does it cos she feels tht Dylan is too small to be "manhandled", she doesnt want him to develop colic or any kind of stomach problems in the first month esp. Ur milk supply will gradually increase. Drink more!! I think it directly affects my supply.

imp said...

awesome babe! you're looking good! enjoy the first year with baby T!