Monday 28 July 2008

Jiaozis anyone?

饺子Jiaozi's are a type staple food (apart from baozi) for indigenous beijingers. Every household would have their own secret recipe. All the children would learn how to knead doughs from the time their hands were able.

So over the weekend. Les and i made our first attempt, from scratch! I even minced the meat myself cos i hate grinded pork with fatty bits. So it's wholesome healthy, almost fatfree jiaozi with Nappa cabbage.

It was fun! I think les enjoyed the process. His nimble hands were hard at work!
His XL jiaozis next to my XS jiaozis.
The final outcome. 爱心饺子 with Nappa Cabbage, vinegar and ginger on the side...
Fresh from the Ng household...
For more instructions and pictures on wrapping jiaozis, click here.


yAnn said...

damn cute haha! Not bad leh, Lester's hands, for a guy....quite nimble indeed.

I'm still waiting for that so-called signature tiramisu after more than 8 years of dating........zzzzz.....

lovexiaolongbao said...

Yann> he on diet now la. give him a break. after married then also no need to impress u anymore mah.


Btw ask him to share recipe with me le.