Friday 25 July 2008

Working in china is....

Imagine 3 parties involved- A,B,C. And all i did was ask them 1 question, the same question. All 3 came back with different answers.

A says B is lying, B says A is lying, C says A and B are lying, and i don't trust C. When i did my own investigation, turns out ABC all said half-truths. And in the meantime, like a lamb white and pure and innocent, i stepped into a minefield where A,B,C laid their traps long ago. This lamb will soon become lambchops...

*Lambchops themesong starts playing...*

This is a song that doesn't end, and it goes on and on my friend... some pple started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it just because this is a song that doesn't end, and it goes on and on my friend... some pple started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it just because this is a song that doesn't end....

I hope my career will last as long as this song... Maybe there's a part 2, IF i live that long.

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