Tuesday 2 September 2008

Singapore News Bytes

If u're seeking entertainment, look no further than the straits times . Always a joy to read.

Legal Demonstration?

Singapore has made demonstration legal at the Speakers Corner effective 1 Sep! wow. what an achievement.

6 people have "demonstrated" so far. And it lasted a grand1o minutes. The hawkers opposite the speaker's corner must be so pressured to create changes in Singapore.

Somehow i wish they had chosen to make marijuana legal instead. It would elicit a more enthusiastic response.

PM Lee gives dating tips..
  • Make time to go out and meet new friends (totally agree. U definitely should go out, incest is illegal)
  • Join a dating agency, be it the Government's Social Development Unit/Social Development Service or a private agency.(wow, a sure way to meet the love of your life)
  • Have realistic expectations. You have to make an effort for the relationship to work. (Read: don't eye a ferrari if u can't afford to buy it)

  • Bring your social graces up to scratch. For instance, do not wear slippers when taking your date out for a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant.( Yes, but u can definitely pick your nose)
While it is easy to get carried away by romantic images in movies - where you meet someone of your dreams, instantly fall madly in love, get married, maybe have twins and live happily ever after - we are ordinary people in real life. 'We may not have instant sparks the first time. But you take your time, discover the person for who he or she is, nurture the relationship, and then maybe love may blossom.'(you want ur babies doncha..)

Man get's nut stuck around his penis

KUALA LUMPUR - A MALAYSIAN welder had to have a nut removed from around his penis after an attempt to lengthen it before he gets engaged next week went embarrassingly wrong, a news report said on Sunday.

when i first read i thought he welded his own nuts unto his penis, but no it's a REAL nut. I don't know how he put it in but he thought it would weigh down the thing so it'll look longer. Ironically his thing became even shorter cos they have to cut it off to get the nut out. But maybe can sew back an even longer one. haha


yAnn said...

OMG you should totally read and watch this then:

"Man almost loses penis humping bench": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFDDDHs8Fsc

lovexiaolongbao said...

Yann> i may not have a penis but OUCH! have u seen the one about the angmo guy who makes love to his car's exhaust pipe?

yAnn said...

i almost died laughing when i saw the video....very mean hor.

nooooooo.....haven't read about the exhaust pipe one....oh my goodness....

Anonymous said...

the things men do.... *tsk tsk*