Friday 26 June 2009

goodbye MJ

This morning Mountain Man came into the bathroom and told me the news... I felt sad instantly.

I feel so sorry that his final years were marred by so many unhappy incidents- the dangling baby, the child abuse/molestation, the weird behaviour.... But one thing about death is that it resolves all unforgiving feelings. Once again, the good side of a person gets remembered. I mean, why would u cast a stone on man who is already dead right?

Here's my top 10 fond memories of MJ...
  1. My late father introduced me to the King of Pop. MJ was the first international singer i came across. I think he was easily the most famous person back then, anybody on the streets would know Michael Jackson.
  2. When i was a kid, he made me realise tht the small people are capable of doing big things (this was when he was part of the Jackson 5).
  3. I liked the Black or White video so much, especially the morphing part. I can watch it over and over again.
  4. I've always admired how MJ was so caring to the world. Heal the World was my theme song for a while (but of course tht phase didn't last very long).
  5. I like how he was such a nice brother to Janet Jackson.
  6. I still groove to Billy Jean and Beat it.
  7. He is the only person who doesn't look like a pervert when he grabs his crotch (u may disagree). Ow!
  8. He carries off white socks and leather shoes.
  9. I really like the indian spoof thriller video, "girly man".
  10. He invented the Moonwalk.



heats68 said...

babe! i almost totally forgot about Girly Man. Hilarious!
I'm a bit upset i never saw MJ in concert. Oh well, he's in a better place, and you're right, alot is forgiven (forgotten) with death...

narelle said...

I was shocked and sad too. I started to ponder. Life is full of mystery. We believe that everyday we wake up there are things that you don't expect to happen.It just happen. The impossible will become possible. You never know what future may brings.

lovexiaolongbao said...

heats> i heard MJ concerts are electrifying! i haven't been also. no chance now.

Narelle> yah... must live a fullfilling life so u won't be miss out on anything.